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Sagas & Seascapes Composers

A series of Video Blogs


A compilation of our video-blogs in conversation with each of Sagas & Seascapes composers, who share their inspirations behind their writing, and experiences working on Sagas & Seascapes.

Carry His Relics - Gemma McGregor

Elsewhen - Lillie Harris

Søgnin um Kópakonuna - Eli Tausen á Lava

Wogen - Kari Baek

Aud - Linda Buckley

It's not long now until our performances in Edinburgh at the Scottish Storytelling Centre! We are so excited to screen the film with live music for the first time in Edinburgh and hope to welcome you there from 15th-17th August at 8:30pm.

You can book tickets here - Please note that tickets are selling fast, so please book in advance to avoid disappointment.

There will be a relaxed performance on 17th August which also has audio description and social distancing. If you can’t make it to Edinburgh, then the original digital show will screen from the Scottish Storytelling Centre’s website at 7pm on 18th August, followed by a zoom Q & A with the creators at 8:30pm.


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